Our library is having total 172 sqm spacious area for Library. In the library we have different sections like book stacking, periodicals, reference, digital library with 05 nodes &well-ventilated reading hall. The open access provided to all members. All the books have been classified as per Dewey decimal classification system. Library Using for Limra Software Library timing is 8.30 am to 5.30 pm & reading hall timing will be adjusted to cater the needs of all the students.

Library Sections
  •  Circulation section: – Stacks books which can be issued to the students and staff.
  •  Reference Section: – Has a collection of Encyclopaedias, dictionaries, handbooks, manuals and Reference books.
  •  Reading Hall: – Spacious and well-lit reading hall.
  •  Periodical Section: – It displays the latest volumes of International and National journals and Magazines.
Library Services

Current Awareness Service:-

Library displays information about seminars, workshops, newspaper clippings, articles on various subjects related to latest developments in technologies, is made available to users.

  •  Silence must be observed strictly in the library.
  •  Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the library premises.
  •  Borrowers are to produce their own Library cards when borrowing Library books.
  •  Library membership card is non-transferable.
  •  3 books per student will be issued for the duration of 10 days.
  •  Current issues of Journals/Magazines are to be used only in the library.
  •  Maintain the Library resources in order after use.
  •  Perform in and out entry in register provided at reference desk.
  •  Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, parcel, etc. should be deposited at the Property Counter.
  •  The Library shall not be responsible for any loss, damage misplacement of the personal belongings of the users.
  •  Failing to return or renew the Library book before the due date will evoke a penalty. Fine imposed on borrowers for late return of books is Rs. 1/- per day after due date.
  •  If the book is lost or damaged, borrower will have to replace or pay for the replacement of the same book.
  •  The Library staff on duty has the right to request a user to leave the Library premises if he is found to be violating any of the Library rules.
  •  Outside students and faculty need to take permission of the principal for using library.